Miami (MIA) to Paris (CDG)
Air Distance: 4,580 Miles
Time Zones Crossed: 6 (5 if during Daylight Savings Time)
Miami (MIA) to Portland (PDX)
Air Distance: 2,700 Miles
Time Zones Crossed: 3
So Mr. Stern, take your attitude and go away and rest. Overseas is overseas. Even the State Department calls it that.

If you don't like that, then here are some alternatives that might hopefully pass your litmus test.
OCONUS: Outside the Continental United States
Across the Pond
To the Continent
I would include "Travel Abroad", but that has sexual connotations to closely related to the behaviors and indiscretions of some NBA players.
*Mr Stern, reality and you don't get on, do they?"
Related Link(s): Awful Announcing: Using The Term "Going Overseas" Is Soooo 1990s