Los Angeles, CA (Apr 18, 2008) - This has been a quiet week on
Eye on Sports Media, as I have been in Los Angeles working with a customer. Long days meant time to publish anything was limited, so I spent my evenings working on a review of
Jim Nantz's forthcoming book,
Always By My Side, which is due out on May 6, 2008.

So enough of that. You want to know who this
John Fontana guy is, and what he will be contributing to this publication. John (pictured left) is a senior editor at a weekly national trade magazine. I have known him casually for a few years now, and caught up to him over some beers at Lotusphere 2008 this past January in Orlando. I was telling him about this publication and he responded by explaining his frustration in finding good sources of information about media coverage of Cycling races. I extended him an invitation to contribute to this publication, and he graciously accepted.
John covered his first bicycle race, the now-defunct Coors Classic, in 1984 and was hooked on the beauty and iron-willed competition of the sport. He has been a journalist for the past 24 years working in newspapers and trade publications, but sadly (he says) never as a full-time cycling reporter. Besides interests in cycling, he has recently "discovered the pain and suffering of competitive ski mountaineering racing, another obscure sport with deep roots in Europe."
Eye on Sports Media looks forward to John's contributions, and extends an invitation to anyone else who would like to contribute content to this publication.